A practical guide to masturbation for boys: non-censored things that you do not learn anywhere

First off, you might think that you know how to masturbate with a luxury escort in Strasbourg and that's okay.

I thought so too before I encountered the realm of spirituality and before learning and experiencing certain things about masturbation and sexuality in general.

A practical guide to masturbation for boys

Let's hear: just because you know how to suffocate your penis with a super-fast back and forth motion while waiting for ejaculation, you don't know how to masturbate and make it healthy.

This is what I told myself during the first experience that I realized that things are not as simple as they seem. And over time I realized that giving pleasure to yourself through masturbation is quite an art and it is something sacred.

Before reading this article, I want you to forget all the libertine jokes about masturbation that are made between boys and forget all the shame that society has succeeded or not in inoculating on your sexuality.

Here are some great reasons to learn to enjoy healthy and harmonious masturbation:

Reason number. 1: Guess Why Some Boys Accidentally Leave Girls Pregnant

I think the most important reason should be to know your body in detail and how your sexual mechanism works.

If you sit down and think, guys who accidentally leave girls pregnant do so because they don't know their penis and its most subtle impulses and reactions to certain touch and pressure at certain libertine times.

You don't want to leave girls pregnant by mistake.

You want to have sex as freely and relaxed as possible and if possible without a condom. But I don't recommend having unprotected sex if you don't rely on knowing your penis and how it reacts in various positions and speeds. And even count!

It is very important to be present and focused during sex so that you do not wake up unexpectedly ejaculating.

And when I say be present and focused, I mean don't be with your mind and thoughts all over the place while you are having sex.

It is therefore important to know your penis in detail. And it requires training, just like any other practice that you end up getting really good at.

Reason number. 2: For sexual independence

It is important not to be sexually dependent on a woman. And by that, I don't mean that we have to get rid of women or start a fight against them.

Not at all.

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What I mean is sometimes you might not have a girlfriend for a long time. And then you will no longer be able to have libertine sex. Or you can have a girlfriend, but for various reasons, she may not want to have sex with you at times.

It often leads to manipulations by the couple on the basis of sex. "You give me sex, or you don't give me sex. "

Or simply, one day you wake up feeling like you're expressing your sexual energy and you're home alone.

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If we are talking about independence, it is important to include sexual independence, because while there are many libertine women that we can have sex with and love, keep this in mind:

Personne n'est obligé de satisfaire vos besoins sexuels.

Raison numéro 3: Bon pour le bonheur et la santé

La masturbation fait émettre par votre cerveau des substances et des endorphines qui vous procurent un état de bonheur et de bien-être : dopamine, sérotonine, etc. (donne-lui un Google si tu veux). C'est donc bon pour la santé et le bien-être.

Raison non. 4: Il est extrêmement important d'apprendre la maîtrise et la direction de l'énergie sexuelle

Saviez-vous que des millions et des milliards d'entreprises se sont effondrées et que des guerres ont éclaté entre les nations à cause d'approches très erronées de la sexualité et du plaisir sexuel ?

Sexual energy is the most powerful force in the world, beyond money. Money revolves around sexual energy, not the other way around. This is why there are men who pay a fortune to receive the attention and sexual pleasure of some libertine women.

Knowing more about your sexuality and sexual energy and how it can be used constructively and creatively is probably the most important thing in young people, beyond money and career.

Because I guarantee you years of fundraising and career advancement can crumble in minutes of sexual attraction that takes your head and makes you act without listening to your intuition and seeing how you really feel...