Escort - provider of special sexual and non-sexual services

Escort - provider of special sexual and non-sexual services


There are enough blockbuster movies out there where interested people could see the difference between escorts and just professional or casual prostitutes.

Similarities and Differences Between Escorts and Mistresses

A Bordeaux escort is usually a girl hired by a client who dreams of having experiences that go beyond a quick and paying sex game.

In a sense, a Bordeaux escort can be likened to a special type of mistress, which a man can have around him for a shorter or longer period.

Only, unlike the case of a real mistress, where the relationship that is established is generally a relationship of soul (at least for one of the parties!), When we speak of a Bordeaux escort, the relationship is a paid provider - sexual and non-sexual service recipient.

Another difference between a mistress and a Bordeaux escort is the fact that a professional of the second category can have not one, but several clients to whom to offer separate complex services within a certain period of time.

A real Bordeaux escort is a person who can also play the role of a friend, with whom the beneficiary of her services, during the time spent together to have something to talk about, to be able to accompany her to restaurants, parties, trips, to share his passions, not just to sum up sex. The respect enjoyed by such a professional is far greater than that accorded to an ordinary prostitute.

However, because he takes advantage of certain services for a fee, nothing more, the client is not in love with his Bordeaux escort, as often happens when he takes a mistress, and on the other hand, allows himself to 'have sex with her, unlike a true friend who, respecting her, would never allow herself to offer her such a thing.

A Bordeaux escort usually comes down to sexual services, perhaps for a very short time, while an escort, if you will, looks like geishas, ​​being much more than just a seller of forbidden pleasures.

Most of the time she's a woman who can have an appearance that brings her very close to an ordinary (but not common!) A person does not emanate vulgarity, so the man who hires her is not embarrassed to appear in his company in various circumstances: on a terrace, at the theater or at the opera, in a cinema, at an awards gala, at a vernissage, at travel at home or abroad.

A Bordeaux escort must have a bit of acting talent, to behave in a way that does not give a suspicion to those around her in the sense that she is a simple provider of sexual and non-sexual services, a paid companion, not a girlfriend. , mistress, friend, or, why not, if the situation requires it, even wife.