How do you know if it is good in bed?

How do you know if he's good in bed


Sex is very important for any couple. Women and men worry about their first night of love: if they will satisfy their partner, if they will feel good, if they will be on the same wavelength. This emotion is often found in a Toulouse escort.

Sexual behavior can also be guessed by language, by the choices a man makes on the first date, or by his behavior in general. American sexology expert Tracey Cox reveals some of the signals you need to pay attention to if you want to know how he behaves in bed and for a Toulouse escort it's best to know all of these tips.

Are you a Toulouse escort? Find out if your client is good in bed before having sex!

Language and gestures. From the first meeting, talk a lot about yourself and try to get to know each other to know if you are compatible at least from this point of view. So how the first meetings go can tell you a lot about him.

Men who stay in one place for a long time, who keep their hands close to their body, and who are "shy" in their gestures, will be calmer partners in bed. The shyness shown when meeting you can be found in the bedroom, and if you are a very sexual person, this will not be right for you.

What does he eat? Even the choice of the menu can tell you more. If you choose exotic, very spicy dishes, or always try something new, it will be in the bedroom. He loves to experiment, he's a guy who knows what he wants and who you won't get bored with too soon. On the other hand, if his culinary choices are always the same and he doesn't want to try anything more “strange” on the menu, he won't want to experiment more in terms of sex.

He's holding your hand. From the first meeting, you can tell if he is a master in bed or if he is shy in this area. The way you hold your hand says it all. If he crosses his fingers between yours, it means he is very passionate and enjoys physical contact. On the other hand, if he avoids holding your hand or that the contact between your palms is not so great, it will be the same in the room.

The place at the table. The sex therapist believes that sitting at the table also says something about his interest in you and how well he will care for you in the room. If he sits facing you, that means he's ready to focus only on you, and he'll do the same in bed. On the other hand, if he sits next to you and pays attention to the TV or other people around you, your sexual satisfaction will not be high on his list.

Appetite. Increased appetite also means increased libido, so be careful about how much you eat. If he's the kind of man who pays too much attention to his appearance and eats so he doesn't starve, you won't meet a fierce man in bed. Men who know how to appreciate food are better lovers, so they will make a Toulouse escort extremely happy.

The kiss. Maybe the way he kisses will tell you more than everyone else. The more passionate he is, he holds you in his arms and kisses you for a long time, the better. This means he will do very well in bed. Those who tend to kiss short and distant (without hugging you) are much more docile in the bedroom, and won't be able to surprise you.

The sport. Athletes have more sex because fitness improves the levels of endorphins and testosterone, which are created during sex. After a well-made body, we realize that it gives time to sport and health. These types of men love to dominate, but they don't refuse to be dominated.

Physical activity is recognized by specialists as an advantage, it allows you to stay active and in shape. Having a better perception of your body will make you feel more secure in bed with your client. Sport relaxes you, and such a man will be better able to relax you in bed.

The above tips are intended for Toulouse escorts who accompany clients to certain important events or meetings, not just in bed.