How to satisfy a prostitute?

How to satisfy a prostitute


Well, in a bitter way I would say: don't be pretentious and don't bore him. Many girls complain about customers breaking the rules (or boundaries), such as touching certain places without permission. Pleasure is a very subjective question for a student escort in Paris for example. The pleasure you give to a "normal" woman is very different from the pleasure you give to a woman who is paid to have sex.

And to complicate the situation, even more, everyone's desires are different. A woman who is paid for sex like a Paris student escort may not want to be satisfied with her client. Some girls only want money from their clients and refuse to have sexual pleasure. The best customers are those who are respectful and expect nothing.

Many of my clients are very polite and respectable people, which is why I feel comfortable around them. I favor some very nice clients and allow them to please me in a way that I would forbid others to do. I favor certain clients only because they have earned my trust. I have to mention that almost all customers try to give me pleasure, but some people don't understand the essence of pleasure. Some men believe that a certain sexual technique can be applied to all women. This is completely wrong.

Every sexual experience is very unique and cannot be performed in a uniform act. Remember that all men have their own unique ways of achieving orgasm. And, unfortunately, some women wish to reach orgasm like a student escort Paris. More importantly, good sex depends on the emotional and physical chemistry between participants - chemistry is something that cannot be bought or created - it is a rare beauty that occurs between two people. It is best to test the areas slowly and gradually.

If I have to advise a client on "how to have a better experience with a  student escort Paris", I suggest the following techniques that clients have done with me: start by offering a relaxing massage. I remember clients giving me a full massage, without immediately touching my erogenous zones. Everything must happen slowly so that she can anticipate any progress of passion.

The slow adventure will drive her mad, so she will want more. Some of my clients were completely uninterested… they didn't tend to satisfy their sexual needs but focused on relaxing me. A good lover will explore what she likes in a woman and try to lightly kiss different parts of her body. He will be guided. This has been fine with me with some clients, but again, it's all about chemistry.

Remember that a person's desires can also change depending on their mood. Chemistry is key, but the mood of the escort is also important. While most customers are good, they aren't really drawn to everyone. Sometimes I avoid seeing certain clients because I know they want to spend their entire date in a "girlfriend experience" state.