Is it safe to have sex with a prostitute?

Is it safe to have sex with a prostitute


All escorts use protection when having sex with their clients like a student escort Montpellier. Only a mad/desperate woman would have sex without a condom; and similarly, only a madman would sleep with an escort without a condom. You don't hear much about high-class escorts having unprotected sex with their clients.

However, if a client and a student escort Montpellier become more intimate and personal, the dynamics may change. Some of my regular customers, whom I've known for years, have asked me if we could try without a condom. He trusted me, I guess. But I refused. In general, most escorts are extremely expensive when it comes to health.

Many escorts aim to provide impeccable services to their clients

Women who take more risks do so to satisfy their clients' desires - because, for many clients, oral sex with a condom is quite boring. Unfortunately, some escorts do this to get more clients. What these women fail to realize is that they are making a short term gain, but taking a long term risk. For most escorts, we take minimal risks: we use a condom for sex and oral sex. Therefore, it is not unhealthy to sleep with a student escort Montpellier if she uses protection during sex.

Since there is minimal skin-to-skin contact, sleeping with a high-class escort can be a bit “unsatisfying” from a client's perspective. I use the word “unsatisfactory” because sex with a prostitute is often physical, with no real intimacy. Amazing sex is based on stimulating the mind and body. Thus, sexual relations between a client and a prostitute escort student in Montpellier do not have an essential stimulation of the mind.

After all, how exciting and delicious can sex be without deep kissing, without touching? These “delicious” acts are risky for customers, but many customers need them. They want sex to be as real as possible. They want their escort to behave like their girlfriends: they want to have oral sex, kiss their lips, and feel their mouths on their "manhood".

There is tremendous pressure for escorts to exceed security limits to make their clients happy. Many customers prefer cheaper women because it is assumed that cheap women do "more" for "less" (thus, the risk is increased). These men lack the essence of pleasurable sex because the pleasure is based on the connection (not how much or how much she's willing to do). There are also very expensive escorts that do everything for a limited clientele. This puts enormous pressure on women in the industry: is it easy for a woman to maintain her safety, comfort, and success?