Questions all around the clients of Toulouse escorts

Questions all around the clients of Toulouse escorts

In forums where men share their opinions on escort listings and the escorts they have visited, there are more questions like the ones below. In addition, even the escorts in Toulouse have certain questions and curiosities about each client separately.

In this article, we will try to answer two questions from clients, but also a very important subject for French escorts.

"Why do I have to pay more for an escort service than for an independent girl?" "

Escort services also have additional costs compared to the time of the girl you hire. Many of them offer additional protective measures to ensure that the girl is safe all the time. It is possible to be accompanied by a driver during the first meeting, or there is a security guard ready to intervene if the girl gives a phone call and announces that something is wrong. In addition, escort services pay for advertisements in various magazines, provide a dispatcher to answer non-stop calls, sometimes rent rooms available to girls, which should, therefore, be more expensive.

The obvious advantage is that there are more options as written on the escort ads - more girls, which match a greater variety of tastes.

“I am not yet 18 years old. Can I call an escort service? "

No. Make no mistake, the employees of escort service are extremely experienced and they will realize this immediately. Their offer is for adults only and you can create a lot of problems if you play with on the escort ads . Expect to become an adult, understand the responsibilities and risks involved, and then you can decide what you want to do.

Tip for escorts who wish to have unprotected sex with clients

"I also want to have unprotected sex with clients!" "

Ask around, on the escort ads sites, everyone will tell you that it is not a good idea. If this is what you want is your life, no one can stop you from doing what you want, but be prepared for the consequences. If you have unprotected sex with clients, regular visits to the gynecological office are mandatory and will be much more frequent than for girls who know how to protect themselves.

If you happen to get sick, you will have to quit your job until you are cured, or worse, for life, if you have an incurable disease. If you insist on practicing the trade when you are sick, you will lose your clients and your reputation, and you will find yourself around the corner and in police records - and it is a very sad end of a career for an escort. Above all, remember that such illnesses have consequences for the rest of your life. Maybe at some point, you want to get married and start a family - and then pass it on to your husband and children, and you will always regret it.