The bizarre demands of all the times revealed by our escorts

Like all professions and all trades, sex workers can also work for clients with unusual and bizarre fetishes ... It is on social networks (where speech is more liberated) that users have asked the fateful question: “What's the worst request you've had from a customer?” They were delighted to respond, describing the strangest situations and demands of their careers ...

A table

Lactation. If this word means nothing to you, its meaning will not escape you. It is the fact of nourishing others with the milk which comes out of their breasts. The Oedipus complex could be implicated to explain this phenomenon. A Corbeil escort testifies "it's one of the weirdest (things), but a guy asked me to drink my breast milk while I was producing this milk" or even "a really weird man hired me for 1 hour to cry over me while he told me about his mother who betrayed him for the money… and then he started sucking my breasts and calling me mom ”. We don't judge anyone here, maybe that's your fantasy.

clients with fetishes

The starfish 

A nightmare for most men. Definitely, the thing that comes the least of fantasy, whether for a man or a woman. What is more embarrassing and humiliating than giving ourselves body and soul and ultimately receiving no reaction? Not much in my opinion ... Let me tell you a little story. I was with this girl at school. His eyes were really burning with desire for me. During our first night together, she did not undertake much, and yet the facts were there: she warmed me by message. She wanted us to make love together, and she had planned to do it in a wild and straightforward way. Her best scent and a black lace nightie (which looked great on her) slipped on, she lay down in bed, rubbing against me a little. And there great moment of loneliness: I understand that apart from kisses on the neck, she will not try anything more ... I then begin to raise the temperature, and her squeaks tell me that I am following the right path. At the time of the act, an arid desert of reaction: the squeals had almost completely given way, there was only a slightly muffled noise. It was as stiff as a piece of wood, and I couldn't concentrate on anything anymore: I was in total panic! After great efforts, I managed to get more reactions, but in the morning I felt strange and questioned myself. the squeaks had almost completely given way, there was only a slightly muffled noise. It was as stiff as a piece of wood, and I couldn't concentrate on anything anymore: I was in total panic! After great efforts, I managed to get more reactions, but in the morning I felt strange and questioned myself. the squeaks had almost completely given way, there was only a slightly muffled noise. It was as stiff as a piece of wood, and I couldn't concentrate on anything anymore: I was in total panic! After great efforts, I managed to get more reactions, but in the morning I felt strange and questioned myself.

All that to say that this waking nightmare is in fact a fantasy for one of the escorts who replied “I had a guy who asked me to lie down without moving. He did the same, blinked a little hard when he came, and it was over. He looked me in the eye all the way. The most bizarre fuck of all my life ”… that lets you imagine the continuation.


For some, if not most, sex workers, the toilet is taboo. Because it is usually here that the most disgusting and incomprehensible fantasies come to life. "Go to Starbucks, pee in a cup, leave it there for someone to drink." “A guy wanted me to do it for him during our act (I refused). "There is a guy who paid me to come to my house, completely lick my bathroom while wearing a thong. He absolutely wanted me to yell at him for 1 hour, while he was doing that ”.

5 fruits and vegetables per day

For some, it is a way of life. The nutritionist can say whatever she wants, but apparently, some men want to follow this rule to the letter, even in their antics! The escorts reveal to us that some have an unusual taste for fruit. “A guy asked my friend to stick a cucumber in his buttocks, he paid € 500 for 20 minutes of penetration. She did it happily, but she felt a little panicked for the guy… ”or“ a guy wanted me to make him drink banana juice from my c * ul ”. Bonus: "I have a regular customer who asks me to spit orange juice in his eyes"

escort reveal to us that some

The unclassifiable

There are such bizarre demands and practices that we can't really find a definite genre for them… These are some of the nuggets. "A client on cam wanted me to make faces during the whole session". “A guy hired me just to tickle his testicles for 1 hour. Nothing else, just that ”. “I have tried the pink telephone before. Not as fun as people say. A guy just wanted to hear me sneeze for 1 hour. We don't realize how much it hurts to pretend to sneeze! ”.

And the anecdote which receives the Palme d'Or for the oddity: “I had a guy who sent me sext, and one day he told me that the sponges turned him on. The word sponge, touching one, doing the dishes, absolutely anything that had to do with sponges. So I did a role play where I had to do the dishes, and I sent her a video where I was cleaning a dish with the sponge-like "look how so soapy that sponge is." I try to clean up but I spread the dirt even more ”and he finally ate it. It's nice to try new things sometimes, plus I was doing the dishes at the same time ”.