What do prostitutes like: sex or money?

What do prostitutes like about sex or money


Money convinces us to do this job. Prostitutes should not be seen as sex loving women. And even though I have sex, that doesn't mean I enjoy having sex with all of my clients. Many escorts like a Rouen call girl do not feel good with all clients. Only a small portion of the escorts really appreciate the privacy with their clients. But in general, for prostitutes, money is the most important thing, not sex. It is very important to point out that most of the escorts had no choice and that is why they decided to sell their bodies.

For many people working in this industry, sex is the worst (not in my case, but from what I've noticed most escorts are not as open to sex as me, the Rouen call girl ). Many just want to finish as soon as possible. A small minority of girls appreciate clients and pleasure (as a courtesan I love some clients as companions and sexual partners), but I repeat: the emphasis is on the money.

Of course, I felt good with some clients, but I never agreed to sleep with them for free. The idea that prostitutes are those horny, “hypersexual” women doesn't quite describe reality. I would like more prostitutes to enjoy their jobs as I often do, but the reality is that most of the women who do this Rouen call girl job are motivated by economic disparities.

What information should an escort get from their client?

Like us, most customers want to be discreet. They can use false names because they are married and do not want to risk their identity being known. Anonymity is essential for escorts and clients. Asking for too much personal information can turn clients away, but nonetheless, there are clients who are happy to reveal their life bio. It is also very important that the Rouen call girl retains her discretion.

I choose my clients by judging them by their email address, by the voice, they have on the phone - I ask them to briefly tell me about their age, their nationality, their intentions with me.

Why do escorts avoid revealing their identity?

We are afraid to associate our identity with our profession. Why? It could affect our social mobility, our social relationships. Prostitution, legal or illegal, is still stigmatized. Society has negative and harsh consequences for women who are known to be prostitutes, so we are forced to keep it a secret.

Do prostitutes like to have sex when they are drugged?

I found this question quite strange. It is a terribly false analysis. First of all, women who use drugs generally hate sex more than anyone else. They take drugs to cope with the idea of ​​having sex with men they hate. Even high-class escorts will use this method to earn money and forget that they are serving men.